About AWeSOMe!
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Warfighter Sports
Adaptive Ski Lessons
Summer Programs
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Empowering people of all abilities through high quality outdoor experiences
Thank You Payette Lakes Progressive Club!
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow could limit the enthusiasm of our students and instructors on our last day of lessons this season.
You are a hearty bunch!!!
Thank you Payette Lakes Progressive Club for sponsoring a
second scholarship day for AWeSOMe!
We appreciate your support!!
Thank You Home Town Sports
We appreciate your support of our Sponsorship program, thank you!! It was a great day in the sun. All of our students have progressed so much this season!! Only one more weekend of AWeSOMe! lessons on the slopes this season, and then we shift to kayaking

What a team!!
Together with AWeSOMe! instructor Ed Woods, these two have been working on creating and using signs specific to skiing including “wedge” and “parallel”. Ed also created a video so they could practice at home during the week, and then on the weekend they put their training into action! Great progress has been made, and they are already looking forward to next season. The smiles tell it all!!
“…as if we were teaching old friends” Ed Woods, VI Program Coordinator/PSIA Adaptive Ski Instructor/AWeSOMe! Volunteer
The AWeSOMe! crew of volunteers were absolutely fantastic. The veterans had so much fun and were so into learning to ski. Our instructors stepped up big time, with their enthusiasm and commitment. The entire group, vets and instructors worked so well together that the clinic was a tremendous success.
During the clinic a wonderful bond formed between all of us. It almost seemed as if we were teaching old friends. The conversation was always fun and light, with so much continuing good humor and laughter.
The important thing is that the veterans realized how important that they are to us and how much we appreciated them and their efforts.
Because of the effort put into the 2 day VI training sessions by the AWeSOMe team, and today’s clinic, we now have instructors who can confidently teach beginning skiers with VI or blindness

A New Season Begins!
AWeSOMe! kicked off the 2015 season with a Visually Impaired (VI) and Blind Ski Clinic for Veterans and also provided lessons for local children.

Winter 2014 End of Season Reflection
Winter 2014 has been terrific and we’re not quite done yet! Our regular season is over but lessons are still

available by appointment.
We ended the regular season with 61 lessons taught by 18 volunteers. AWeSOMe spent most of the time at Brundage but we also skied with participants at Tamarack.
As always thank you to our fantastic volunteers and skiers for making our program so special. And thank you to Brundage Mountain Resort, the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation, Rite Aid Foundation, Idaho Community Foundation, Payette Children’s Forest and Disabled Sports USA for program support.
Warfighter Ski Skills Camp
Take 7 vets, 1 Rec therapist, 2 Rec Unlimited volunteers, more than a dozen fantastic AWeSOMe volunteers and you get one terrific Warfighter Ski Skills camp. We were fortunate to have many returning veterans from last year honing their skills and showing a good skill progression over the course of two days.
Many thanks to Brundage for their support of this program and Rec Unlimited for providing volunteers and equipment. And DSUSA, the US Paralympic Committee and US Veterans Affairs for providing grant funding for this program.